Thursday, July 19, 2007

Lesson #4, Social Networking

Ok, here are some *really* random reflections on social networking...

Social Networks – the hidden nature and depth of it – Just having all your information laid out to your friends and friends of friends and so on… is a powerful function of social networking, yet scary, too. When I changed my “status” in Facebook to reflect the ending of a relationship, it was transmitted to all my “friends” when usually only a few people would know. I received condolences from a couple of folks whose intentions were 100% pure and would’ve found out anyway, but it was a little weird. I didn’t think of how quickly and how efficiently the info would get out there, even though I should’ve. A simple demonstration of the power of the social network…

That said, the potential for professional and special interest networking is awesome to say the least. Chances are, no matter your interest, you can find someone who shares it on one of the social networks. And through them, a whole community. Awesome... Dude. :-)

And this is the end of my regularly scheduled random reflection...

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