Friday, December 7, 2007

Lesson #13 - Tagging part 2

Exercise 2:

I think tag clouds effectiveness is spotty, and depends on what you're looking for and the flexibility of the searcher. they are great for acquiring ideas when you're not exactly sure what you're looking for. I basically would expand on the ideas that tags clouds are good "zeroing in" tools, but can be used to expand your search as well and that care needs to be used in employing them.

Exercise 3:

I've presented on four separate times, so I definitely think it and other social bookmarking sites are worthwhile. I use it to store bookmarks in a central location, search for websites others have tagged, and to share my own. It is great for expertise mining - identifying someone who really knows what they're talking about - and monitoring their bookmarks.

Exercise 4:

tried a search , but didn't get my blog.

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